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Some ideas

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 1:41 am
by Kexikus
With the tons of covers coming up lately, I wondered if it's possible to include a button on the front page to show more than the latest five covers (maybe 20 or 25).
I don't no how much work it would take but I think it would help not missing some covers.

There are some steam games out there that take five DVDs to backup and as far as I know all 5-Disc-Cases are wider than the standard 1-Disc-Armary-Cases. So here my suggestion: Templates for these cases.
As the only difference would be the wider spines it wouldn't even be that much work to create a standard case and a 5+ Disc-Case.

Just tell me what you think about it and that's it.

Re: Some ideas

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:07 pm
by PieMonster
1. We've added a "View More" tab that shows you up to the last 100 submitted covers.

2. I know what kind of DVD cases you're taking about; PC games used to come in these thicker cases in the mid 2000's. It was a transitional period moving away from smaller cardboard boxes and before fully accepting standard amary cases. Does anyone else want these wider DVD cases added to the template?


Re: Some ideas

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 2:13 am
by m4c1990
1. @PieMonster, Awesome, thanks^^


First question is: which game needs 5 DVD's O.o
Second question: How many Double Layer DVD's (DVD9) does this game(s) need?

I think there are 4 Disc Amary Cases in normal size (14mm) available..
So I partially disagree with the second idea.

Re: Some ideas

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:03 am
by Kexikus
1. Thanks alot :D

2. Batman Arkham City GOTY took 5 discs for me to backup (with the last one needed for ~150 MB). And I know that these 5 discs would fit on fewer double layer DVDs but I don't have them at home and didn't want to buy them just for one game.
But you are right that there aren't that many games needing this many discs. Yet it wouldn't be that much work to create a bigger case cover.

Re: Some ideas

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:06 am
by PieMonster
I know Max Payne 3 takes up 4 DVDs (I have a retail copy). Star Wars: The Force Unleashed takes up over 17GB. That's about 4-5 single-layer discs. As we move into the era of PS4 and Xbox One, games are going to get bigger. I'm wondering if people will just switch over to Blu-Ray discs (25GB) instead for backups.

Actually, @Kexikus adding/updating the templates does take a bit of work but I'll do it (along with the jewel case issue) if it needs to be done. Anyone else in favor of this?


Re: Some ideas

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:33 pm
by HunsonAbadeer
Well I own the Splinter Cell Collection and it fits perfectly in a normal Multi-Disc Amary Case (14 mm).

There are those cases like World of Warcraft where the mid is a bit wider but the Cover and Back have the same size.

Personally I think too much cases make the producing of Covers and Templates way too complicated

Re: Some ideas

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 2:50 pm
by Kexikus
@ PieMonster:
I know that creating the templates takes some work. What I meant was that making a standard size and a wider cover wouldn't be that big difference and could be done in a few minutes for those games possibly needing it.
Anyway thanks for considering it.