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Nephilim983 Old Templates

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 11:01 am
by Scanno
Hi, as suggested from the official facebook page (in a private message) i'm here to humbly request old Nephilim983 templates.
That's because i always used those and, even if i'm aware that nobody can uploads cover done with that template anymore which is now considered obsolete, i still have dozen of those already printed which i possibly don't wanna print again to maintain the same style...
Yes i could "cut'n'paste" pieces of his template in the new one i wanna make or the new one that someone of you make (which btw i like everyone covers, and all the efforts and inspirations made by those).
But i prefer to not do "cut'n'paste" since that feels like cheap, and disrespectful to today's authors...
Is there any way for me to obtain those even by private message, for personal use?
I would really REALLY keep a single style in my library... (we all do this for "design" needs right? some sort of sense of order, right? so that's why i'm asking this :)

Re: Nephilim983 Old Templates

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:48 pm
by PieMonster
Hello Scanno,
Let me try sending him another DM and see if he's around. I'd really love to update those templates and get them back on the site.


Re: Nephilim983 Old Templates

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:43 pm
by PieMonster
Just to give an update on this, I was able to get ahold of @Nephilism983. It turns out his original covers are in backups in storage. He'll get to them when he gets a chance. Then I can update them and get them back on the site.


Re: Nephilim983 Old Templates

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 7:31 am
by Scanno
Thank you very much, it will help me keeping a single art style, which was the primary goal when i started print his covers for these backups :)