covers, Covers, COVERS!!! and Steam sales.

Any news or announcements regarding Steam Game Covers.
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covers, Covers, COVERS!!! and Steam sales.

Post by PieMonster »

There are a lot of new covers going up every day; it's a little difficult to me me to spotlight them all. Please use the "Browse Covers" tab at the top of the page and check out the games listed in green text. Those are covers that have gone up in the last 30 days. I want to thank our talented community for uploading so many covers. Now on to some Steam deals!

FEAR 3 is part of this weeks Midweek Madness sale. Pick up the game for $8 and get some cover art to go with it too:

Another great game on sale is Velvet Assassin. The game is normally $4.99 (a steal at that price) but today only it's $1.69! There's no reason not to own this great little game. Full cover art is up as well:

FREE disc and case art for STEAM games:
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