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CoD: Black Ops cover art & win "Inception" on Blu-ray!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:10 am
by PieMonster
Call of Duty: Black Op is certanlly one popular game. Funny, I never heard of it before today. :lol: Anyway, new cover art is avaliable from stee01, Choum, and myself. Purchase the game and grab the cover art from here: ... -black-ops

Another thing I wanted to mention is that another site I regularlly contribute to, Creative Saloon, is running a sweepstakes for a free Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy of "Inception". All you have to do is create an account and enter your name into the drawing. The winner will be announced sometime after December 7th (the movie's official home release date).

Creative Saloon is a social networking site for people in the film business. They have alot of neat FREE features that other similar sites charge a monthly fee for. Check it out if you are in the film/entertainment business.

That's all for now. Go play some games!