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My "covers" plan - "A"

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:39 am
by PieMonster
If you're like me then you probably have hundreds of games in your Steam library. Some games I've put dozens of hours into, some I will probably never touch. Anyway, In the past I've been creating covers for the games that have interested me. The problem with this is that I loose track of which games in my library still need covers. With that in mind I'm forming a plan to get covers created for all of my games!

I'm going to start making covers for my games alphabetically. Hopefully this will cover some of the games you need covers for too. Here is my list for the "A" games that I'm working on:

7 Wonders II
ARES Extinction Agenda
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
Alan Wake
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Alien Breed Trilogy (3 games)
Alien Shooter 1 & 2
Alien Swarm
Aliens vs Predator Classic 2000
Aliens vs Predator
Alpha Prime
Amnesia The Dark Descent
And Yet it Moves
Atom Zombie Smasher

Whew! That's a mouthful! Some of the games listed above already have covers. Some I may redo completely. All of my custom covers will be in Jewel case format (I may convert some to amary if I have time). Also, I have no deadline to meet so don't expect them all at once. Wish me luck!


Re: My "covers" plan - "A"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:05 pm
by Razec
If I may add. Could you please insist on making them in the amary format instead of making jewel case your priority.

Also I understand you want to make these cases but why not, again make priority for specific games. For instance, make covers and disc labels for Alan Wake or Alien vs Predator series. These are full games that are more popular and I assume would be better for the general steamgamecovers community.

I wish we had more photoshop pros here because I would love to see certain covers made before others.

Re: My "covers" plan - "A"

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:18 am
by PieMonster
You're right, @Razec, we do need more contributors here.


Re: My "covers" plan - "A"

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:48 am
by Viper_Bravo
Well, I do what i can! LOL Ive made it a priority to make a "Full Sets" of cases for a game I am working on. Amary, Jewel & Disc art in one punch, it makes it easier to do them all at once since I have all the resource files i need. I am in the process of going back over my covers and adding the missing case art now!

Re: My "covers" plan - "A"

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:28 pm
by PieMonster
Thanks @Viper.

Just to clarify, I was also just thinking of making only disc covers of some of the more obscure games - 7 Wonders, And Yet it Moves - just so I can have them backed up to disc. Something like Alan Wake is going to get better treatment from me.

Re: My "covers" plan - "A"

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:44 pm
by Razec
Roger that. Good to hear guys.

As I've been on this site for roughly a year I believe, but on the forums just recently, I've noticed you two are some of the more major contributors and put out the better quality stuff.

I know everyone can't put in more time than they can, as this is a hobby, than a paying job. I have some really amazing ideas but like I said I am no photoshop pro.

Good to hear you are going to take priority over some games. We should see if we can get more people who are proficient in photoshop or even gimp to contribute more art.

But regardless thanks guys. You've made my game collection look 100 times bigger. My only wish is that I could get cases and disc labels for all the Steam backups I have on disc, hell a good chunk of them I haven't even put on disk because Valve decided to make a lot of games not have that easy steambackup.exe file. But what I'm thinking of doing is just either buying DVD+RWs or just putting the folders onto disc, just hope there aren't too many updates from when I do that.

Re: My "covers" plan - "A"

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:19 pm
by PieMonster
No question, @Viper_Bravo is an awesome cover maker!

@Razec your original disc covers are pretty good too.

If you want to get better in Photoshop here is one of the best books I recommend for self study. It's a bunch of random 2-page tutorials that teach you just about everything there is to know about the program: ... +photoshop

This version is for CS6 but you could buy an earlier edition.
