Special Awards - How to get them.

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Special Awards - How to get them.

Post by PieMonster »

I just wanted to clear the air about our "Special Awards" (aka achievements) and how to get them. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about them here.

Award: Member

Description: Become a member of SGC

How to get it: By joining our community you become more than just an outside observer, you become a part of a family of talented artists who are also gamers. To get this award all you must do is register with Steam Game Covers. Registering allows you to submit and rate covers, and to post on our forums. Your name will appear as a link to your profile under each cover you submit. Welcome to the club; Johnny here will show you the secret handshake.

Award: Infected!

Description: Help promote SGC elsewhere

How to get it: You can help Steam Game Covers out by getting the word out. Have your own art site up? Upload your Steam Game Covers up there as well as here. Write a blog? Write up a story about us. There are many different ways to get this award; I'm not limiting it just to one. Email me a link to your promotion at piemonster@steamgamecovers.com and I'll give you the award. Be original, creative, and just have fun.

Award: Contractor

Description: Create something special for SGC

How to get it: This one's a little vague for the moment. I'll expand upon this award later in the year. At present only 2 users have this award - PieMonster and LordKevin - awarded for creating Steam Game Covers.

Award: Participator

Description: Enter a contest

How to get it: Throughout the year we will hold various contest/sweepstakes. Participation in these contest/sweepstakes generally requires that you create a cover within a certain timeframe (though the rules may vary per contest/sweepstakes). All you have to do is... well... "Enter a contest". Good luck! Even if you don't will the prize, you still get the award!

Award: Winner!

Description: Win a contest

How to get it: This one's a little obvious. After entering a contest/sweepstakes, a winner(s) will be chosen. If you happen to be that lucky person then "BAM!" that little award is going on your profile page. Again, good luck!

Award: Master

Description: Create a 'best of...' cover

How to get it: As you may have noticed, we have a "Best of SGC" page where we highlight the best of the covers on this site created by our talented community. Getting this award is as simple (or hard) as getting your cover on that page. Getting your cover on that page requires that you create any cover from scratch that looks worthy to pass for retail. You (or another user) can then nominate that cover for the "Best of SGC" page. I will then make the decision as to whether it belongs there. It it's approved, the award is yours.

FREE disc and case art for STEAM games: http://www.steamgamecovers.com/
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