Where in the world is PieMonster?

Any news or announcements regarding Steam Game Covers.
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Where in the world is PieMonster?

Post by PieMonster »

I know, it's been a while since I updated the site with the latest covers. Sorry I've been absent; I've been very busy with a major project (not Steam Game Covers related). In either case you can still check out the latest covers from our very talented pool of designers by clicking on the "View More" button on the top right of the "Newest Labels/Covers" field.

You can also get an alternate jewel case back template with the Steam logo flipped in the opposite direction below (thanks to @m4c1990 and @HunsonAbadeer for informing me on this):

http://www.steamgamecovers.com/images/m ... 2_2013.zip

I need to get it integrated into the current template package but for now you can use it as is.

Finally, I need to get up a new thicker amary DVD template as well (thanks to @Kexikus for notifying me). I'll try to get that up by this weekend.

Keep the great cover coming (even if I'm not around to announce them all)!

FREE disc and case art for STEAM games: http://www.steamgamecovers.com/
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